01. Insert missing parts inspection equipment for resin cases
The inspection camera is brought to a smooth standstill by adjusting acceleration and deceleration. This can significantly reduce standby time due to camera vibration.
The inspection camera is brought to a smooth standstill by adjusting acceleration and deceleration. This can significantly reduce standby time due to camera vibration.
Pulse Presses can handle loads in the tensile direction and have no limit on tensile time. High precision judgments are possible at a low cost.
IXA, very high-speed SCARA robot in the industry, also supports push-motion operation. When fitting part A to part B, the position error can be compensated (compliance control).
The system is ISO class 2.5 equivalent, making it ideal for operation in clean environments. Arching the motion allows palletizing with the shortest path (arch motion).
Diagonal approaches and tip swiveling, possible until now only with vertically articulated robots, can now be performed at a low cost. The wrist unit is capable of interpolating motion with the orthogonal axes.
R-unit controllers can be used with a mix of 24V/200V motors. A single unit can connect up to 16 axes, reducing price and installation space.
IAI’s slider type incorporates a ball circulating type with a built-in linear guide, making it suitable for applications with large rotational reaction forces and moment loads. (NutRunner/Nut Runner)
Since the speed can be changed during the movement, the cycle time can be shortened by using low speed in the range where the extruder plate for sorting contacts the corrugated board, and then using hight speed for subsequent extrusion movements.
The IXA cleanroom specification is ISO Class 3 compliant, making it ideal for operation in clean environments. Preliminary verification on a PC is possible by using simulation software.
The speed can be changed during movement, allowing the nozzle tip to move in accordance with the rate of rise of the liquid surface. By adjusting acceleration and deceleration, shampoo foaming can be prevented.
By combining Cartesian axes and wrist units, the cost can be reduced compared to Vertical articulated robots. In addition, the size of the safety fence can be reduced.
The system is ISO class 2.5 equivalent, making it ideal for operation in clean environments. The wide lineup of products allows for a combination of axes with cleanroom specifications.
ISB-WXM has a high payload capacity of horizontal 400 kg and vertical 80 kg. Even heavy loads can be handled with a uniaxial configuration robot.
By adjusting the deceleration, the shock when X Axis stops can be reduced, preventing the workpiece from falling.
NSA’s multi-slider system has two sliders that each move in tandem with the conveyor, eliminating the need to stop the conveyor for each inspection.
The speed can be changed while moving, so that the cream can start out slow and end up at a higher aperture. Multi-point positioning allows for the handling of cakes of various shapes.
The belt-driven type is ideal for long-distance interprocess transfer because there is no speed reduction due to strokes. Stroke up to 3200mm, max. speed up to 3000mm/s.
Large glass circuit boards are transported by 2-axis synchronous control. Stroke is 4155 mm. There is no speed reduction even with long strokes.
Four processes (assembly, coating, screw tightening, and inspection) are integrated into a single tabletop robot. The number of workpiece sets can be reduced and cycle time can be shortened.
Since the system does not use a sensor, but uses the actuator’s position information to confirm take-out, the cost can be reduced compared to general poka-yoke systems.