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Teaching Pendant TB-01

Teaching Pendant TB-01

Teaching Pendant TB-01 *This model is discontinued. Upgraded Model: TB-03 / TB-02 Teaching Pendant TB-01 All your controllers can be now operated with one unit The features include: supporting both program controllers and position controllers, easy-to-use design...
PS-24 24VDC Power Supply

PS-24 24VDC Power Supply

Please click " Discontinuation Notice and Replacement Models " for the details. * Notice for the discontinuation and replacement models of PS-24 DC Power Supply (PS-241 and PS-242).   PSA-24 / PSA-24L - 24VDC Power Supply latest Models Please click Replacement...
Teaching Points

Teaching Points

All taught positions are based upon a reference point, or "0.00 mm" location.  If your actuator / controller combination features absolute encoders, homing is not necessary before teaching points. Incremental encoders will require homing before teaching points. In...