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Loading/unloading loader for processing machines

The production efficiency is improved by 1.16 times

Compared to the equipments in the past by having no short-time breakdown and shortening the cycle time by 1 second.

[ Robot/Electric Actuators ]
[ Controllers ]
After putting the automobile parts flowing on the conveyor into the processing machine and completing the processing, it is used for pick & place to return from the processing machine to the take-out conveyor.


[Improvement effect]

≪Before improvement≫
Since the work piece being transported was dropped by the shock when the air cylinder was stopped, the speed of the air cylinder had to be dropped in order to be used. (Facility cycle time including machining time is 7 seconds)


≪After improvement≫

By replacing the air cylinder with the electric actuator, it became possible to smoothly accelerate and decelerate without dropping the work piece, and the maximum speed was raised. Therefore, it was possible to shorten the cycle time to 6 seconds. As a result, the production volume per day has become 1.16 times that of the previous model.



Comparison item Air Cylinder Robo cylinder
Cycle time 7 sec
(pick up / process / place)
6 sec
(pick up / process / place)
Production per day 43,200(*) sec / 7 sec
=6,171 piece / a day
43,200(*) sec / 6 sec
=7,200 piece / a day


        (*) 12 hour operation in 1 day

The above application example and results including numbers are introduced from one of our product user's event and experience.


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