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Positioning Mechanism by Pressing Operation

Positioning Mechanism by Pressing Operation

The pressing operation of the EleCylinder is used to fix and position the transported pallet in place. The pallet can be reliably fixed in place with a specified pressing force.

Device Specifications


  • Size: 300mm (D) × 700mm (W) × 10mm (H)
  • Weight: 7kg


  • Weight: 0.2kg

Operating Conditions

  • Horizontal travel distance: 8mm
  • One-way travel time: 0.5 seconds
  • Load weight (Workpiece + V-Block): 7.2kg
  • Overall device cycle time: 40 seconds

Operating Requirements

  • Average daily operating time: 20 hours
  • Annual operating days: 240 days
  • Required lifespan: Over 10 years
1) The pallet is transported from the previous process
2) A V-block is pressed against the pallet's positioning pin to fix the pallet
3) Work is performed on the pallet
4) The V-block is retracted, releasing the pallet
5) The pallet is transported to the next process.

Configuration Axis: EC-GD4L-30-**-WA

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