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Replaced Air/Hydraulic Press With A Very High Thrust Type Electric Actuator

IAI Electric Actuator Application Examples


press fitting application in automation with IAI electric actuators
Press Fitting Application with a high thrust type ROBO Cylinder

Video from IAI YouTube Channel:

ROBO Cylinder RCS2-RA13R-I-625-50-750-M-T2

  • In the process of assembling automotive parts, a press adopts a very high thrust type ROBO Cylinder to perform the operation.
  • A pressing jig is mounted to the cylinder.
  • Previously, an air & hydraulic press had been used. However, in this case, the customer was using three different types of jigs, and it was very troublesome to change the jig for every change in part.
  • The ROBO Cylinder was adopted and was easily reconfigured for each part. This effect was seen immediately following its introduction. The plant is now considering switching a group of 170 other presses to ROBO Cylinders.

Cycle Time shortened 2.84 seconds -> 1.79 seconds
Annual power consumption costs reduced $40.73 -> $13.65
Reduction of annual CO2 emissions 88.2 kg-cc -> 19.7 kg-cc
Reduction of annual CO2 emissions if all air equipment in the plant was replaced 15t-cc -> 3.35 t-cc

    *This application example was reported from IAI in Japan.
    *Exchange Rate: 1(USD) = 100 (Japanese Yen)

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