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IAI Electric Actuator Application Examples


Inspection - Examination - Etc.
positioning and deburring aluminum with IAI electric actuators
Positioning and Deburring Aluminum Parts

Video from IAI YouTube Channel:


  • Equipment is used to remove burrs from machined holes which are equally spaced in aluminum parts.
  • RCP2-RA4C ROBO Cylinder uses incremental positioning between holes to move each part.
  • RCP2-RA10C ROBO Cylinder has a file attached to the end of the rod which deburrs the part after it is positioned.
  • Since this operation can now be automated, shorter cycle times can be achieved.
  • Note: In this case the guide (single or double) would be most appropriate in the line of force (so that the guide is along the same plane as the extending horizontal axis) rather than across the body of the part. Please contact IAI America for more information.


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