Discontinuation Notices for RCA2-T(CA3N, CN3N, WA3N, WN3N, FA3N, FN3N, CA4N, CN4N, WA4N, WN4N, FA4N, FN4N)
Discontinuation Notices for some actuators RCA2-T(CA3N, CN3N, WA3N, WN3N, FA3N, FN3N, CA4N, CN4N, WA4N, WN4N, FA4N, FN4N)
Notice for Discontinuation of ACON-ABU and PCON-ABU
Notice for Discontinuation of ACON-ABU and PCON-ABU – According to ACON/PCON-C, CG, CY, SE, discontinuation, ACON-ABU and PCON-ABU will be discontinued as well.
Discontinuation Notices and Replacement Notes for Incremental Encoder or Absolute Encoder of RCS2/RCS2CR-SS, -SM, -SA7, -SS7, -SS8, -RA5, -RGS5, -RGD5, RCS3/RCS3P/RCS3CR/RCS3PCR-SA8, -SS8
Discontinuation Notice and Replacement Notes for Incremental Encoder type or Absolute Encoder type of RCS2/RCS2CR-SS, -SM, -SA7, -SS7, -SS8, -RA5, -RGS5, -RGD5, RCS3/RCS3P/RCS3CR/RCS3PCR-SA8, -SS8
Notice of End of Order: AB-2 (Absolute Encoder Battery for RCP-C)
Notice of End of Order: AB-2 Absolute Encoder Battery for RCP-C
Replacement Precaution Notes for Discontinued Controllers to Successor Models (ACON-CA, DCON-CA, MSCON, SCON-CA/CGA, SCON-CAL/CGAL, TT, XSEL-R/S)
Discontinuation of some controllers (ACON-CA, DCON-CA, MSCON, SCON-CA/CGA, SCON-CAL/CGAL, TT, XSEL-R/S) and their successor models.
Discontinuation Notice for the RCL series – RCL-SA1L, SA2L, SA3L, SA4L, SA6L, SM4L, SM6L, RA1L, RA2L, RA3L
Discontinuation Notice for the RCL series – RCL-SA1L, SA2L, SA3L, SA4L, SA6L, SM4L, SM6L, RA1L, RA2L, RA3L
Discontinuation Notices for RCA2-RA2A and RCA2-SA2A Series
Discontinuation Notices for Electric Actuators (RCA2-RA2A and RCA2-SA2A Series)
Discontinuation Notice and replacement model for the RCS2-F5D series
Discontinuation Notice and replacement model for the RCS2-F5D series, The replacement model is RCS4-TA4.
Replacement Precaution Notes for Discontinued Controllers to Successor Models (PCON-CF PCON/ACON-C/CG/CY/SE/PL/PO SCON-C/CG PSEL/ASEL-C/CS RCM-GW SEP-PT CON-PTA/PDA/PGAS TB-01)
Due to the discontinuation of some controllers, please note the following precautions for switching to their successor models.
Discontinuation Notices and Replacement Models for PS-24 DC Power Supply (PS-241 and PS-242)
Discontinuation Notices for PS-24 DC Power Supply (PS-241 and PS-242), Precautions on replacing PS-24 with PSA-24
Discontinuation of DD, Changes to the DD/DDA Series encoder due to discontinued encoder, How to handle SCON, XSEL, SSEL series
Changes to the DD/DDA Series encoder due to discontinued encoder. Available DDA models with new part numbers, and how to handle controllers (SCON, XSEL, SSEL series).
Notice for Discontinuation of IK series (RCP2 combination / RCS2 combination)
We will discontinue production of the IK series (RCP2 combination / RCS2 combination) in April 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.