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Inspection / Examination / Etc.
Heat Exchanger Hole Size Confirmation Application Example
Robot: TT-A3-4040
Controller: Built-in SEL controller
  • The process of checking the sizes of the holes in a heat exchanger is a successful example of reducing labor costs by shortening the cycle time.
  • The heat exchanger is an aluminum plate of 1mm thickness that has 900 vacant holes. The pitch of the 4mm diameter holes needs to be accurate. If the hole position deviates from this fixed pitch distance, failure will occur when passing the piping through the holes in the subsequent manufacturing process step.
  • Previously, the holes were visually inspected by a person one by one which took 45 minutes to test an entire heat exchanger.
  • As a result of switching to the tabletop robot to perform this inspection process, the operator can perform other duties after pressing the button to start the robot.
  • The labor costs to produce 20 units reduced from $270 to only $31 thus saving $57,460 a year in labor costs.

Reduction in Cycle Time/Choco Tei — CT Effects
Holesize ct effects table1r
Holesize ct effects table2r

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