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Packages of hot food flow on a conveyor towards heat bonding equipment to seal the lids

IAI Electric Actuator Application Examples


Food Processing
food packing application in automation with IAI electric actuators
Food Conveyor Packer

Video from IAI YouTube Channel:

Note: This is not an example of conveyor tracking
  • Packages of hot food flow on a conveyor towards heat bonding equipment to seal the lids
  • Traditionally, the conveyor stopped and allowed thermo-compression which produced quantities of 50 products per minute
  • With the switch to the ISA series actuator, this allows the conveyor to run continuously
  • The production has roughly doubled to between 100~110 products per minute thereby doubling in efficiency
  • Therefore, extra production lines could be removed and thus saving floor space in the plant
  • This new system can respond to changes in production volume and is flexible

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