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Double Speed and Double Stroke Mechanism (Vertical)

Double Speed and Double Stroke Mechanism (Vertical)

Two slider-type EleCylinders are stacked to vertically transport workpieces.
Stacking two stages allows operation with the combined stroke and total speed of both axes.
4-point positioning is possible by combining the forward and backward positions of each axis.

Device Specifications


  • Weight: 6kg


  • Weight: 1.6kg

Operating Conditions

  • Vertical dimension limit: 540mm or less
  • Travel distance: 500mm
  • One-way travel time: 2.5 seconds
  • Cycle time: 10 seconds

Operating Requirements

  • Average daily operating time: 8 hours
  • Annual operating days: 250 days
  • Required lifespan: Over 10 years

1) Supply workpieces at the forward end position 
2) Lift the workpiece 500 mm
3) Discharge the workpiece to the next process
4) Wait at the forward end position.

Configuration Axis 1: EC-S6LAHR-300-**-B-ML 
Configuration Axis 2: EC-S6LAHR-200-**-B-ML

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