Example Video #13: Loader/Unloader for Press Machine - Air cylinder vs IAI's ROBO Cylinder
A loader/unloader for a press machine that produces lids for cans. It loads the material in the material feeder to the press machine and unloads the pressed products to the product chute.
Improvements achieved by electric actuators:
Point 1: Shorter cycle time by acceleration & deceleration setting function
Point 2: Defect rate dropped to 0%
Point 3: Simpler system configuration with multi-point
Electric actuator perform better than... application example video
for Easy Automation Concept v07 Video 0701
Example Video #14: Part feeding process of automotive fuel injection pump - Air cylinder vs IAI's ROBO Cylinder
This processing machine grinds the inner faces of parts. Its loader/unloader uses air cylinders.
Improvements achieved by electric actuators:
Point 1: Shorter cycle time through optimal operation settings
Point 2: The system always operates consistently, and there are no more contact failures
Point 3: Reliable positioning operation
Electric actuator perform better than... application example video
for Easy Automation Concept v07 Video 0702