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System Overview :
Improvement Overview :
Device for opening a door at a transfer process of cardboard boxes to the shipping platform.
Replacing an air cylinder with an ELECYLINDER ® for opening the door.
Annual cost reduction of $1,680 by adjusting acceleration/deceleration.
Improvement Effects

 Past problems     

 1   Due to the shock at air cylinder's upper and lower ends, the acrylic board was damaged and had to be replaced once a year.

 2   The opening speed could not be slowed down because of air conditioning of the factory and production cycle time.

  Improvement effects of the ELECYLINDER®     

Damage to the door due to shock have been eradicated thanks to high speed, yet smooth door operation by adjusting acceleration/deceleration.
Previous air cylinder facility
Motorized facility
Door cost $300 / piece $0.00 -
Labor cost for replacement $36 / piece $0.00 -
Total for 5 lines $1,680 $0.00 ($300 + $36) x 5 = $1,680
Annual cost saving is $1,680.
The above application example and results including numbers are introduced from one of our product user's event and experience.
*Exchange Rate: 1(USD)=100(Japanese Yen)
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